About Us

We are in the beginning stages of developing strategies to save as many dogs as we can. No dog is too big or too small, no breed is excluded. Our plan is to rescue as many abused and abandoned dogs as is humanly possible!

Our Team


Diane is the founding heart of Tender Hearts. She met the first love of her life in early childhood, an affectionate beagle named Scrappy, but he would be just the first of many four legged friends Diane would make in her life. As an adult, she began rescuing shelter dogs. This began a journey that led her to realize she felt a need to do more than just adopt, thus, Tender Hearts Rescue was born. Though still in its beginning stages, Diane’s mission with this organization is to rescue as many abused and abandoned dogs as is humanly possible.


Caiti has loved animals as long as she can remember. Growing up on a cattle ranch in Idaho she was surrounded by barn cats, herding dogs, horses, and, of course, cattle. She always loved to be outside with them whenever possible. They loved and spoiled the working animals, until their animals became a part of their family. Caiti now lives in California with her fiancé and two dogs that complete her world: Grady and Tigger. In Caiti’s own words, “I would truly be lost without them. Every pet deserves a warm loving home. That’s why we are doing what we do!”


When Leandra was five she and her family rescued a dog she found tied to their mailbox one morning. There was no note, just a sweet, scared little animal who needed a home and care. Fortunately she found both. From then on, every time Leandra encountered an animal in need, she made it her business to find them a home. Now, she and her husband have three rescue animals. They adopted their dog Lupin, and cat Niles. Their cat Lilith, however, adopted them. Literally. She broke into their home (and hearts) two years ago and she just hasn’t left. Every animal in her life, past and present, has made such a positive impact on her, she feels it only makes sense to return the favor in spades.

Joe & Danielle

Both Joe and Danielle have enjoyed canine companionship their entire lives. Danielle has made a career as a pet care provider, and that’s how she met Diane and joined Tender Hearts. Joe soon followed her to the team. This power couple, along with their two children, rescued their loving Shepherd The Lady Teva, and they are dedicated to providing the best care for as many animals as they can.


Ryan fell in love with dogs at his childhood daycare around 8 years old. The sweet lady who took care of the kids had a pit bull named Sandy that Ryan absolutely fell in love with. However, Sandy was extremely difficult to train. Ryan made it his task to teach her basic obedience commands. After his time in military service, Ryan was ready for a change of scenery, and became a professional in behavioral training for rescue dogs. Along with a heart for animals, Ryan brings a wealth of knowledge to our team.

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